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Czy czytasz ten tekst?

Członkowie z całego świata odwiedzają Copart każdego dnia, aby licytować nasze bogate zasoby setek pojazdów. Mamy odpowiedni pojazd dla każdego.

  • Czy czytasz ten tekst?

    Członkowie z całego świata odwiedzają Copart każdego dnia, aby licytować nasze bogate zasoby setek pojazdów. Mamy odpowiedni pojazd dla każdego.

How it Works

Nearly 10,000 Cars, Trucks, SUVs, Motorcycles and More for Sale

Copart car auctions have something for everyone — used car buyers, dismantlers, dealers, body shops, or salvage buyers.

A Better Way to Buy

Buy your next car from the comfort of your own home. Win your car at an online auction or set up an automatic bidding in our system.

Global Leader

Copart is a global leader in 100% online car auctions featuring used, wholesale and salvage vehicles.

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copart how it works

After You've Registered:

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Upload in your profile the necessary documentation depending on your business..

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Browse nearly 2,000 vehicles every month. Sign up for alerts to get notified when a new vehicle is available in our inventory.

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Join the fun and use Copart’s patented virtual bidding techonology. 

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Get it Delivered

We count with International and National Transport Service (Exclusive in the Peninsula).

Transport Service

How it Works Video

Why Buy with Copart?

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View Before You Bid

Want to see a vehicle in person? Visit a Copart location to view a vehicle before you bid.

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Expansive Inventory

With nearly 2,000 vehicles on sale every month, you’re bound to find something that fits.

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Great Deals

Find something you love at a great price, from luxury brands to classics and more.

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Daily Auctions

Join our Weekly Auctions every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:00 am.

Our Patented Auction Platform in Action

Our patented Virtual Bidding Technology (VB3) platform lets you bid online from the comfort of your office or home. You can even bid on the go with your smart phone or tablet.

Your busy schedule might prevent you from attending the live auction, but that's okay. You can still win the vehicle by placing a pre-bid from the lot details page on the website. If you're the highest bidder at the time of the live auction, our Bid4U technology will do the work for you, placing bids incrementally until you win or someone out bids you.

copart patented auction

Delivery and Transportation

Copart has 2 options when it comes to getting your vehicle:

Copart Delivery

Copart offers International and National delivery service(exclusively in the Peninsula) for all buyers who wish to request it. Once the auction is over, you will receive an optional budget.

Pick up your Vehicle with External Transport Service

You have 5 working days of free storage while you arrange for pick-up. For safety reasons and to avoid accidents during loading and transport, no loads will be made in transport vehicles that are not specifically prepared for the transport of vehicles, so it will be mandatory in all cases that the transport be carried out in tow trucks .

Copart Locations

Licensing Information


As a freelancer you only need to upload the following documentation to your profile.

  • Valid Identity Document with photograph.
  • Certificate of Census Situation of the current year registered in any of the following activities:
    - 654.1 - Retail trade of land vehicles.
    - 654.2 - Retail trade of accessories and spare parts for land vehicles.
    - 615.1 - Repair and overhaul of vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles and their accessories.
    - 691.2 - Repair of motor vehicles, bicycles and other vehicles.



As a company you need to upload the following documentation to your profile:

  • Valid Identity Document with photograph of the Administrator of the company.
  • Tax ID document of the company.
  • Part of the deeds showing who the Administrator of the company is.
  • Certificate of Census Situation of the current year registered in any of the above categories.


International Members


*European Union countries:

If you are a buyer with a company whose place of business is in a country of the European Union, the required documentation will be:  

  • Identity Card / Driver's License / Passport 
  • Intracommunity VAT Number (VIES)
  • Activity License (Optional)


*Countries outside the European Union:

If you are a buyer from any country outside the European Union, the necessary documentation will be:  

  • Identity Card / Driver's License / Passport 
  • Document showing a billing address

Payment Methods

Copart accepts the following payment methods:

- Bank transfer.

- Credit/debit card (For all payments except vehicle payments)

over 15 payment methods

Frequently Asked Questions


The first step to bid and buy at Copart auctions is to register as a buyer. Fill in the registration form and follow the steps. You will have to choose between Basic or Premium subscription. As a last step you must attach the requested documentation.


Yes, you can visit the vehicles before the online auctions. Although we have high quality images and detailed descriptions of each vehicle on the web, it is always advisable to visit our locations beforehand to see the vehicles in situ. Remember that bids cannot be cancelled and it is your responsibility to view and check the vehicle before placing a bid.


There are two main methods for bidding on Copart auctions:


Preliminary Bidding

Once the vehicle is listed on Copart’s website, Copart Members can place preliminary bids (‘pre-bids’) on vehicles at any time up to one hour before the start of the live auction. Pre-bids will be represented during the live auction and could be the winning bid if no other bidder submits a higher bid during either the pre-bid phase or the live auction. IIn the event of a tie between the preliminary bid and the auction bid, the bid placed during the auction will prevail.


Live Bidding

Bidders can bid live against other Members during a virtual auction. If a Member’s bid is the highest when the circular, dynamic countdown timer stops, the Member wins the sale of the vehicle (In case the vehicle has a reserve, it will be pending the seller's approval).



If you have won a vehicle at auction, payment must be made within three (3) business days (counting from the day you receive the invoice) by bank transfer. Once you have made the payment and our financial department verifies the deposit, the "Gate Pass Pin" (PIN code that authorizes the withdrawal) will be generated. Without any further documents, you will be able to pick up the vehicles by providing this code to our yard operators.

In case there are any pending payments, the PIN code will not be generated until they have been paid in full. You will be able to make outstanding payments by credit card by logging into your user area (Payments >> Payments Due). Buyers have five (5) working days (from the day you receive the invoice) to pick up the vehicles. Once this period has expired, the buyer will be charged for the storage of the vehicles.

You can hire our transportation service to pick up the vehicles, but if you prefer to hire an external company, remember these 6 tips:

  • Schedule pick-up during normal business hours.
  • Have ready the Member Number and lot numbers of the vehicle being picked up.
  • Loading is first-come, first-served.
  • For safety reasons and to avoid accidents, loading shall not be carried out in trucks that are not specifically prepared for the transport of vehicles, so it is obligatory in all cases, that the transport is carried out in vehicle tow trucks
  • For all medium vans, the use of a tow truck with a winch is mandatory for pick-up. If it is possible to load directly on the tow truck, it shall be done with the engine at the rear of the tow truck.
  • For all large vans and trucks, a tow truck with a winch will be mandatory for removal. There will be no direct loading on the tow truck.


Yes, Copart Spain currently provide International Transport Service. For more information you can access in the menu to "Services and Support" >> "Transport"


The reasons why you may not be able to bid if your account is active are the following:

  • You are bidding on a vehicle for dismantling. Check the vehicle's data sheet in the characteristics section. Only scrapyards can bid for this type of vehicle.
  • Your subscription is Basic. Check that you have not bid on a vehicle over €5,000 or have already placed a previous bid. The Basic subscription allows you to bid on a vehicle in each auction up to a limit of 5.000€. You will have to upgrade your subscription to Premium.
  • Your business license is not updated. Check that all your data and documents are up to date.


All bids are exclusive of VAT. The amount that will be invoiced for the vehicle will depend on the VAT type that appears in the characteristics of the vehicle and the fiscal address of the buyer.


For buyers with billing address in Spain:

  • If in the VAT information appears NO, the vehicle will be invoiced without VAT.
  • If the VAT information shows YES, the vehicle will be invoiced with VAT (+ 21%) since the vehicle is a General Regime vehicle.

For buyers with billing address outside Spain:

  • The amount to be invoiced for the lot will always be the amount of the highest winning bid.

Want to Bid on the Go?

Download the Copart Member App and bid from the comfort of your own home or work place.